Led zeppelin album flow chart
Led zeppelin album flow chart

led zeppelin album flow chart

Kashmir has an unbelievable hypnotic feel to it. Just by listening to this song you can say that this guys can sit in the table with the gods of rock and drink with them forever. It made me a romantic of the poetry being expressed and the bearer of the hopeful promise that your inner sense of justice promised. I remember seeing the injustice and the on the weekend I (my buddies and I) ran to the movies to see Errol Flynn and the likes take care of justice. I learned medioeval history while in high school and it made me a romantic of the middle ages. It gave enough material for the then writers of history to chant in poetry and adding tones the sufferings of the regular commoner. This song takes me back to the medioeval times in Europe where oppression and injustice from monarchy was rampant. Led Zeppelin and Pink Floyd are my two favorite bands.

led zeppelin album flow chart

Led Zeppelin changed my music category, and then, a few years later, Pink Floyd pushed me even further. Stairway to Heaven was my absolute favorte song (from any artist) for about three years. A peaceful start that builds up to a climactic ending in the way that is done in this song is what makes it the best, in my opinion. This song changed the way I listen to music forever it was the first time I really felt emotions in music, the first time it touched my heart, not just my mind. I like this song very well, and I hope the stairway to heaven stays like this in history for a long time. But this song will not keep me from changing my likes on rock and roll, and this song is like the heart of rock and roll, and let's us hope or do something in order for it to stay alive. Because some of that rap/hip-hop/or other than relating rock (or metal) modern music and artists, which are awful in my opinion, that had taken over, I heard that rock is dying. This is obviously the best rock and roll song in history, but I hope this song will not be forgotten. So thank you Zep for teaching me the value of music.

led zeppelin album flow chart

It is the perfect transition into the hard rock ending of Stairway to Heaven which still blows my mind every time I listen to it. And I think we all feel the same about what comes next: THE guitar solo! Jimmy Paige delivering not only his but also the world's very best. The slow intro with Paige's magical riff, leading you to Plant's harmonious vocals, and then Bonzo takes it over with his amazing drumming skills. It just felt like it got better every time I listen to it. And I started listening to it again, and again, and again. I wasn't too impressed (shame on me) but after a couple of days it somehow came up to my mind again and I decided to give it another shot. I heard of it being highly praised just about everywhere and wanted to check it out. I remember listening to this song for the first time.

Led zeppelin album flow chart