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i really couldn’t give less of rat’s ass what your faceclaim does for a living so long as you’re happy with it and have sufficient resources, but i do draw the line at a few specific faces. this is for my own safety and mental state, and i would be so so grateful if you could keep this in mind and tag accordingly when interacting with both me and my characters ! you can find the list here. i do have a set of triggers that i’d really appreciate my rp partners tagging / warning me of even in ims and ooc interaction. this doesn’t mean i absolutely won’t thread with you if you don’t do any of this, but i definitely take this aspect into consideration as i feel it factors into the aesthetic of my blog and dash ! 007. gOd i always feel like such a dick saying this but i’m a real slut for the aesthetic and prefer that my rp partners use gif icons / static gifs, small text, etc. I’m also selective so there’s always a possibility that i might not reply to your reply to a starter i’ve posted / post a starter from a starter call like if we haven’t interacted before and you haven’t reached out to me. if you like a starter call of mine and have a multimuse blog, i’ve gotta ask you to please leave a comment on the post specifying the muse you’d like me to craft a starter for ! i’m not trying to be rude at all, i just want to make sure we’re on the same page.


i’m also open to other ideas, so feel free to pitch any of those in my ims ! 005. i love plotting and headcanoning, and i'm so open to doing that with you !you can find any of the plots i’m feelin’ here and i will hug and kiss you for years and years if you give me any of these. i’d really appreciate it, though, if you would tell me if you wanted to drop a thread / give me a heads up if you’re gonna be gone for while ! also, i have no problem giving you as much time as you could possibly need !i understand that life is hectic and can absolutely overwhelm you, so there’s never any rush on getting back to me.

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i promise, it’s not because i hate you or want to drop the thread ( in the case of the latter, i would tell you ), i’m just terrible at time management. i'm ! in school ! and also ! in other rps and mumus !so please please forgive me if i don’t get to replies very quickly sometimes. it’s happened to me before where someone just sort of ? assumed my age or something and just sort of started making the thread smutty and it was real awkward to be like sorry i don't ? do that ? so just please don’t put either of us in that position thank u. yes so i’m underage which means i’m not allowed to write or read smut, so that’s out of the question.

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that being said, i’m not super strict about it, but if it’s obvious in any way that you’re controlling my character / the thread without having discussed it with me first, i’m not gonna be happy about that. i feel like this sort of goes without saying, but please don’t godmod my characters !! it’s gross and lame and a sure fire way to get me to stop rping with you.

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